16. Cookies and Local Storage

You make have heard about cookies and web pages. What is a cookie, and what is it used for?

A cookie allows us to track a user from one web page request to the other. Do people log into your web site? Do you keep information on a per-user basis? You need cookies!

A cookie allows us to store a simple key/value pair. We can “set” the value. Each web request made by the user’s computer afterwards will contain the key and the value.

We could set a cookie like this:

useraccount = paul_craven

But that would be a terrible idea. Why? Cookies can be changed by the client. All a user would need to do is change the cookie and then they’d be someone else.

What is usually done?

session_id = 2304some_really_long_random_string2034902

We create a session id. This session id is a long randomized string that would be statistically impossible to guess. Then, on the web server (either in memory or in a database) we store a table that has session id, a key, and a value.

It is important that if we use a session id, we also use https for our communications. That will help prevent a person from “sniffing” the session id and pretending to be a different person.

16.1. HTML5 Local Storage

Starting with HTML5, web browsers added three new kinds of storage in addition to cookies:

Storage Format Scope Persistence
Session Key/value Session only Session only
Local Key/value Across sessions Across sessions
Database Structured Across sessions Across sessions

16.2. What websites are storing cookies?

Web browsers store the data on your computer. Typically the data will be buried in a spot like:

C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

However, there are a couple spots in the web browser where you can look at the sites that are storing data.

16.2.1. Firefox

Click the drop down menu and hit “Options”


Then select Privacy and Security, find the “Cookies and Site Data” section, and finally “Manage Data.”


Then you can see what sites have stored data. Unfortunately with Firefox you can’t quickly browse that data without a browser plug-in.


16.2.2. Chrome

For Chrome, select the drop-down menu in the upper right and click “Settings.”


Then find “Privacy and security”, followed by “Cookies and other site data.”


Finally “See all cookies and site data.”


Finally, find some cookies, expand them out and see the content.


16.3. How do you look at cookies from the developer console?

  • Firefox: F12, find “Storage” tab. Look on left side for cookies.
  • Chrome: F12, find “Application” tab. Look on left side for cookies.
  • Edge: F12, find “Debugger” tab. Look on left side for cookies.

16.4. How are cookies really set and transmitted?

Remember how HTML has a “head” section? Confusingly, so does HTTP. So if we use HTTP to transfer HTML, the HTTP has a head, and the HTML has a head. They are totally different things.

In the image below, we use the packet tracing tool called Wireshark to see the data. The “red” data is what comes from the web browser. The “blue” data is what comes from the web server. It doesn’t look like HTML because it is compressed/zipped.

There are two major parts to a request from the client, and a response from the server. There’s a request head, and a request body. THen there’s a response head and a response body. The body is optional in some cases, such as this request for a page. There might be a request body if I was sending form data to the server.


Cookies are set and passed back in the HEAD section of the HTTP response.

It is up to the client browser to get that cookie, then send it for every subsequent HTTP request head.

See below for a trace of setting a cookie:
