Assignment 7 - AWS Deployment

Goal: Deploy your project onto your own server.

By this time, you should have:

Now, we are going to get a web server working and on-line via the tutorial below.

You will turn in:

  • A link to your web site. It should be on an AWS server and probably starts with http://ec2-


This assignment is needed as a base for other assignments. Don’t take a zero on this assignment.

Sometimes this assignment goes smoothly, and sometimes it doesn’t. Plan to spend time working with the professor outside of class to get the deployment working. Usually we can get this working from scratch in about twenty minutes. Less, if you have part of it done. But you have to make the effort to do this.

Get Webserver Working

First, we want to get all the software updates available for our computer before we start installing anything new.

The program that does these updates is called apt-get. Installing updates is a two step process:

  • Check what updates exist: apt-get update
  • Install the updates: apt-get upgrade

…but if you try that out, it doesn’t work. You don’t have permission to install the updates. Have you ever tried to install software on Windows or a Mac and it asks for permission? This is to keep malicious software (or users) from installing programs on your computer we don’t want. We have to give it permission to do so.

We do this with the “substitute user do” command. Basically, we are saying run this command as administrator:

# Check for updates
sudo apt-get update

# Install updates
sudo apt-get upgrade

Next, let’s install a webserver. Specifically, Apache 2. You can also do this using apt-get from the command-line. In fact, this is one of the things I love about the command line. If you need 12 programs installed for your server, you can just list out all 12 on this command line and it will install them for you. Super-easy.

# Install web server
sudo apt-get install apache2

Now, try accessing web server. Paste your server’s address in the web browser. It should look something like:

…but not exactly that. Also, the ‘quick link’ on AWS will try to link https when we only have http working.

Edit Web Page

Now, let’s change the web pages. First, go to the directory that has the html files and list them:

cd /
cd var
cd www
cd html

You could combine those cd commands into one:

cd /var/www/html

Next, let’s try editing the index page with nano:

nano index.html

Notice it says the file is ‘unwritable’. You have no permission.


So use sudo to do command as an admin:

sudo nano index.html
  • Lots of lines there. You can delete a line with ctrl-k
  • Try typing something
  • Hit ^o - Enter to save
  • Create a base HTML page with your name
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>First Web Server</title>
    <h1>Sample HTML document.</h1>
    <p>This is a sample document by (insert name here).</p>
  • Save and see if you can see the results in your browser.

This URL web page is one part of your assignment.

Upload and Download Files

  • Type this on your computer (not your AWS computer) to download the index file:
scp -i mykey.pen .

You can try (but not succeed) to upload the file from your computer to your AWS server:

scp -i mykey.pem index.html

Programs like MobaXTerm and FileZilla make file upload and download as easy as drag-and-drop.

Fix File Permissions

See who owns the files:

ls -la

Change to file owner from root to ubuntu which is the user we log in as:

sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu index.html

You can upload the file, but not add new ones. Because the directory is owned by root still. To fix:

cd ..
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu root

Download from Git

We could download our files direct from GIT. The wget command downloads a web page as a file. GIT provides a direct download-link to a zip of the project.


Then unzip the files. You’ll likely need to install the unzip command.


Then you can go to your website and add in the ‘hauntings-main/public_html’ directory.

Get Application Server Working

  • Talk about ‘application servers’
  • Talk about php

Edit the file, add a link to test.php

Create a test.php file:

<h1>Web Page for (my name here)</h1>
echo "Today is ";
echo date("Y/m/d");
echo ". ";
echo "The time is ";
echo date("h:i:sa");

Run in browser. Use ‘view source’

sudo apt-get install php
  • Make sure everything works.
  • Make sure your name is on the index.
  • Copy the URL to your main page.
  • Turn in for assignment 7